Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene in Hackettstown, NJ!

Here is a video taken by a guy we met this morning outside my friend Rob's place in Hackettstown, NJ. The camera work in this video stinks; I hate how this guy abuses the zoom in/zoom out function, but, hey, he's no Wally Pfister, so I guess it's ok. Check out the video below to see the result of all this water!

Hurricane Irene Devastates Hackettstown, NJ!

This video of a street that is across from my friend Rob's house. Apparently a retention basin gave way and the water rushed down the street and under the pavement as well, which removed the dirt and caused the side of the road and part of the sidewalk to collapse, exposing the utility lines and everything! Amazing sight.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Greetings from North Jersey!

Here I am at Grandma and Gradspa's house! It's pretty boring here, too. The kids are fun to talk to sometimes, but again, I've been reading a bit and trying to figure out how to post these videos for you! I miss you guys a lot and love you tons! Talk to you soon!!!

My Exciting Life!

Hello again!

Don't you wish you were me, guys? I bought a can of mixed nuts and I sit in my room and read most of the day. Yep. I'm old and boring. Wish you were here!!!

Greetings from South Jersey!

Hello from Southern New Jersey - Frank and Linda's house, in particular! It's nice here, but their cats, Chloe and Sparkle, don't seem to like me. Actually, Chloe comes around and lets me reach down to her, but doesn't let me pet her much or at all. Fortunately, Morgan does seem to like me, except when I come in the front door because I don't think he realizes that I'm going to come back when I leave for a while. I miss our kitties. Make sure you hug and kiss Pickle and Olive for me and tell them that I love them! Anyway, enjoy the video and I'll talk to you soon! I love you guys!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Practicing Words and Saying Hello!

Hi guys! This video and the other one from March will have to do until I can get on a computer with an SD card slot so I can upload the video I made today, as well as all future ones! I miss you guys! Jersey ain't the same without you guys and mommy! I love you!!!

Daddy Saying Hello to Kenzie and Eli!

The title says it all.