Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thank You, Soldiers

This is a video that we watched at church today in honor of Veteran's Day, which was this past Thursday. This video almost made me cry. Enjoy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Super Eli!!!

A new superhero has been born!

He's super quick, super cute, and super lovable! His only weakness is his propensity to giggle himself into a coma!

Bad guys beware, here comes Super Eli!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vacation Bible School 2010

Out of 52 kids, only 6 or 7 actually showed up for today's performance. So they only did one song this year. I feel cheated. Enjoy the song.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Eli's Finally Walking!!!

Here are the first two videos of Eli walking! These videos were taken yesterday, 6/10/2010, but he's been walking regularly since the beginning of this week.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Fistful of Quarters

This past weekend I participated in the Philadelphia 48 Hour Film Project where each team writes, directs, scores, and edits a 5-7 minute short film within 48 hours. It starts on Friday night and the finished film is due on Sunday night. It's a hectic weekend, but it's really a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I only got to help edit the film on Sunday.

Each team's film had to have 4 elements in common. This year those elements were:

Character = Jeannie Mandanda
Occupation = Municipal Worker
Line of Dialog = "Be sure she gets the message."
Prop = Head of Lettuce

What differs between all the teams' projects is their film's genre. While other teams had Drama, Western or Horror, ours was Silent Movie.

See below for our finished product. For some reason the video looks extra dark. It's a little easier to see if you blow it up to full screen. Lemme know what you think!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eli Crawling - Finally!!!

It only took him 8 months and 15 days, or 260 days, to crawl, but he finally did it! Yes, Eli finally crawled on Wednesday, March 10, 2010. This video was taken today, March 11, and as you can see, he's gotten pretty good at crawling in just one day. Electrical sockets have been plugged, gates have been installed, and life will never be the same.

Swinging Bachelor

Here's Eli on 3/9/2010. It's his first time riding on a swing. He seems to like it!

By the way, I apologize in advance for the quality of some of the following videos. The really bad-looking videos were taken using my crummy phone.

Eli's First Snow Storm

Here is Eli playing with some snow during his first snow storm, which was on 12/18/2009.

Eli Having an Awesome Dream

I would like to know what Eli was dreaming of here. And, yes, he is asleep. His eyes open slightly while he's asleep sometimes. It's kinda creepy, actually.

Baby Dragon

Eli was a dragon for Halloween and this video was taken at his former day care. Kenzie was a princess (see the theme?) but unfortunately I don't have any video of the two of them together. I think ...

Slightly Chatty Eli

Eli likes to talk when he's trying to go to sleep. And he also likes to chew on my shirt...

Eli Eating Bananas

Here is Eli eating bananas.

Eli Eating Apple Sauce

Apple sauce was the second baby food we gave Eli. He had pretty much the same reaction as he did with the pears, which was priceless.

Eli Eating Pears

The first thing Eli ever ate that wasn't breast milk, formula or medicine, was pears. Gotta love the reaction.

Eli Snoring

This video was taken in early October. You may need to turn up the volume on your speakers in order to hear it. Sounds like his mother...

Kenzie Cheering pt 2

Here is Kenzie performing another cheer with her squad. This one is called Climbing to the Top, I think. This is only the 2nd video I could find but I know I have a few more. I'll post them when I find them.

Kenzie Cheering pt 1

Here is one of two videos of Kenzie cheering with her squad. The cheer was called Peaches and Cream. Watch Kenzie start goofing off in the middle.

Vacation Bible School

This past summer Kenzie spent a week with my parents and went to vacation bible school at the church I used to go to. This video shows the fruits of their week-long labors. Watch the incredibly disinterested girl in the back and for the rambunctious three year old who whacks Kenzie in the face at the end of the video.